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Multi-Million Pound Settlement for Amputee following a Road Traffic Accident

13 Oct 2023

Alex Brown has successfully negotiated a settlement on behalf of a client who required an above knee amputation following a Road Traffic Accident, in excess of £3,000,000.


Mr C was travelling to work when a car pulled across without looking and collided with his leg while he was riding his moped scooter. This resulted in a catastrophic injury, and he only survived due to a passing doctor stopping to apply a tourniquet at the scene.

He was taken to hospital where he underwent an above knee amputation and further surgery to his and hip/pelvis which were damaged in the accident.

The Process

Alex was able to obtain an early admission of liability on behalf of Mr C against the defendant driver. and this started his rehabilitation journey to try and return to as normal as life as possible. Alex was also able to obtain funding from the Defendant for Mr C to obtain a Genium X3 microprocessor knee as his day-to-day prosthetic.

Mr C was also a keen sportsman, and his aim was to return to the sporting arena and one of his main passions was cricket. From the first meeting, the goal was to get Mr C back onto the cricket pitch which was successfully achieved in 2022 and a combination of the Genium X3 and a new sporting lightweight prosthetic making this possible (along with Mr C’s determination!)

In addition, Mr C also threw himself into other activities in his sports wheelchair such as Tennis and taking part in Park Runs with interim payments obtained to ensure these activities could be engaged in.

Mr C was also able to return to work, albeit in a reduced capacity to assist with managing his rehabilitation and fatigue and the settlement will now Mr C and his family with security for their future and ability to meet any future needs that arise because of his injuries and the ability to obtain new prosthetics in the future.

Alex Brown was assisted on this matter by Ben Davey and Jasmine Cattigan and further advice to the client was provided by Barrister Nicholas Baldock of 6 Pump Court Chambers.

Have you got a personal injury claim? Speak with our team today

Dean Wilson represented Mr C on a no-win, no-fee agreement. If you have been injured in an accident and would like to discuss taking legal action, please contact our expert personal injury team on 01273 249200, or visit our personal injury page here.

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