Dean Wilson continue to be recognised as experts in the South East by the Legal 500 which has been published this month.
The Personal Injury and Medical Negligence teams were recognised for the work they do for Claimants who have suffered life-changing injuries in the banding fields of both Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence. The team is described as ‘efficient and up-to-speed’ is led by the ‘driven’ Frances Pierce. Referees contacted by the Legal 500 described the team as one which provides ‘professional, yet personal client care’ with ‘excellent tactical acumen and knowledge’. Alex Brown was described as a ‘highly effective litigator’ who ‘has acquired knowledge and experience of severe brain injury cases well beyond his years....’ Ben Davey is recommended for his ‘attention to detail’.
In Clinical Negligence both Alex and Ben were singled out as ‘Next Generation Lawyers’ (the banding for exceptional lawyers who had not yet made partnership) within the South East area.
The established Property Litigation team was recognised as leaders for the work that they do on behalf of their clients in this complex area of law. The service was described as ‘excellent in every aspect’ with the team providing ‘sound advice and appropriate response times’
Property Litigation partner Claire Whiteman was singled out as a ‘very able solicitor who communicates effectively’ and ‘is able to handle complex matters in a clear, concise and practical manner’ having acted in a number of complex high value matters in the past year.
These are worthy accolades for our hard working teams who take a lot of pride in the service they provide to our clients. Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information.