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Successful Claim For Medical Negligence As A Result Of Unnecessary Surgery

03 Nov 2022

Dean Wilson Recently Settled a Successful Claim For Medical Negligence As A Result Of Unnecessary Surgery For Urinary Incontinence

Alex Brown, who is part of the Medical Negligence Team at Dean Wilson, has successfully obtained settlement for a client who was incorrectly advised to undergo bladder surgery incorrectly for urinary incontinence which led to further difficulties including chronic pain.


Our client had been suffering with initial symptoms of urinary urgency and leaking which was causing her difficulties and embarrassment. Her urogynaecology specialist carried out tests which were incorrectly interpreted and led the surgeon to believe an operation was required to cure her incontinence when in fact the results indicated a different course of treatment was warranted.

The surgeon carried out a mid-urethral sling procedure which is used to correct stress incontinence but was not what our client’s symptoms indicated was required and should not have taken place.
The procedure resulted in a bladder perforation and complications from the sling including pain which affected her everyday life and having to self-catheterise.

An additional complicating factor of the claim is that our client had Multiple Sclerosis which carries its own risks of bladder issues which the surgeon did not consider but bought an additional layer of issues which affected the potential value of the claim.


The claim was fought every step of the way by NHS Resolution on behalf of the hospital and no admission of liability was ever conceded. However, Alex successfully engaged the Defendant in two rounds of settlement meetings and secured a substantial five figure settlement for his client, despite the NHS initially offering nothing at the initial settlement meeting.

Alex acted under a “no win, no fee” agreement for his client in this case.

Get in Touch

If you need help or advice with a medical negligence claim, contact our expert team on 01273 249200 or visit our medical negligence page here.

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