The Deregulation Act 2015 (DA 2015) introduced changes in respect of all assured shorthold tenancies (AST’s) granted after 1 October 2015. These changes did not have retrospective effect and so did not apply to AST’s in existence before that date.
From 1 October 2018, these changes are applicable to all AST’s in England regardless of the date on which the AST was granted.
It will no longer be possible for a landlord to serve a valid section 21 notice (the prescribed form of notice required as a precursor to obtaining possession of the property) unless it has first provided certain documentation to its tenant including:-
1) a valid gas safety certificate;
2) an energy performance certificate (EPC) (from 1 April 2018 this must be an E rating or above);
3) the current version of the Government’s guidance booklet How to rent: The Checklist for renting in England (this can be found on the website).
If you are a landlord and are in any doubt as to your legal obligations or you want to recover possession of a property from a tenant please contact us for advice.
Alina De Heer - 01273 249297 /
Alice Stuart-Miller - 01273 249227 /