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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I change solicitor halfway through a claim?

Many people do not know that they can choose their solicitor even if one is appointed for them. Insurance companies will often tell you that your case must be run by one of their panel solicitors, however, this is not the case. You have the right to choose your solicitor and have the right to change solicitor mid-way through a case if you are unhappy with the way your claim is being run. 

If you have concerns about the level of service or quality of legal advice you are receiving from your current solicitors and wish to discuss an existing case with us, we would be happy to do so.

Ultimately, if you decide to change solicitors, we can take care of all the arrangements for transferring your file, making the transaction smooth and easy for both parties. We aim to see if we can add value to your claim and if we feel that it would be in your best interests to stay put then we will inform you of this.